It happened....
I used to read these blogs and facebook updates about kids playing with their poop, (yep, this is that kind of post, so if it grosses you out, you might want to skip this one!) I honestly never thought that would be MY KID! I know that sounds bad, but I just didn't. He never had any interest in that and we had never had any problems with it. I thought we were past that phase.
I. Was. Wrong!
McKinley was finishing up her snack one little spoonful at a time and since Wyatt decided he didn't want a snack, he was playing quietly. This should have been my first clue, but in all honestly, the house was quiet and I was enjoying M and all her sweet silliness! 5 minutes went by and I asked how is was, "I'm fine. I'm playing!" and I kept feeding M her yogurt. It seemed like 10 minutes went by, that sweet little face came around the corner and said, "Mommy look! It's gross!" He was holding a car and I didn't really think anything about it! I walked closer only to discover....
POOP! Yes, on the car and all over his hands and on the play table! GREAT! M was left at the table and I scrubbed and scrubbed and then scrubbed his hands! Changed a diaper, finished feeding M and then cleaned up the mess.
Oh the joys of being a parent!
I. Was. Wrong!
McKinley was finishing up her snack one little spoonful at a time and since Wyatt decided he didn't want a snack, he was playing quietly. This should have been my first clue, but in all honestly, the house was quiet and I was enjoying M and all her sweet silliness! 5 minutes went by and I asked how is was, "I'm fine. I'm playing!" and I kept feeding M her yogurt. It seemed like 10 minutes went by, that sweet little face came around the corner and said, "Mommy look! It's gross!" He was holding a car and I didn't really think anything about it! I walked closer only to discover....
POOP! Yes, on the car and all over his hands and on the play table! GREAT! M was left at the table and I scrubbed and scrubbed and then scrubbed his hands! Changed a diaper, finished feeding M and then cleaned up the mess.
Oh the joys of being a parent!
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