Day 1 in Rome

Tuesday, May 8th we dropped Wyatt off at school, mommy cried and daddy wanted to. We got McKinley settled and things dropped off at the lake, and then we hit the road for ATL. 3 hours later we were on a plane and ready to head to Rome.

10 hours later and a 6 hour time change.....

7:30 we arrived in Rome, I didn't sleep much and was a little cranky. Tired and sad about my kiddos. We took a crazy 45 minute ride to our hotel, when is say crazy I do mean crazy. We were siting in the front of this little van and I didn't like being able to see what was going on. It's funny but this is what I really remembered about my last visit to Rome.

10:45 our hotel was ready and I was ready for a nap. I crashed for about an hour but then had to get ready for our tour of the Colosseum. It was a great private walking tour, 3 hour tour to be exact of the Colosseum, the Roman forum and Palatine Hill. I loved it! It was a lot of walking and all in the sun but it was amazing! I am amazed at how you can see seats and marble floor that dates back to 70 AD! some of the stuff in the Roman Forum dated back to B.C. It was great and we both learned alot!

6:30: we headed to dinner with Nancy and Ken. I ate YUMMY pizza and caprese salad. I can't get enough of their yummy pizza.

I am now laying in bed, writing this all down and uploading pics to facebook so that Wyatt can see where mommy and daddy are. We talked to him briefly today and he asked me where I was and said that he missed me but that he didn't want to leave Papa's house! I know they are having a great time but I miss them like crazy! My heart is aching for them and I am really feeling a little depressed right now and really wanting to hold them.

Tomorrow we head out for a tour of the Vatican!


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