Happened Again!

So it happened again! I knew that Wyatt needed a diaper change, the same time I realized this my friend Rebekah texted me and said she was right around the corner. I knew that seeing Rebekah wouldn't take long, she was on her way to pick up her son and I only had to give her two things. So I told Wyatt to wait one minute. We greeted Rebekah and Wyatt started showing off and running around playing. He disappeared for a minute and then came around the corner saying, "look mommy!" holding his hands out to us. Rebekah turned to me laughing, "I'll let you go!" and left because she honestly couldn't stop laughing. As gross as it was, I had to try hard not to laugh too! It was all over his hands but luckily no where else. 

A Bath was had before nap time. End. of. Story! 


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