Day 3 Half Rome /Boarding Ship

I have never been one to take my workout gear on vacation but knowing that I was going to be eating pasta, pizza and yummy desserts forced me to pack it up for this trip. I also realized that I don’t feel well if I don’t workout. I have come to far with this whole running thing to just stop! So today, we woke up, got our running shoes on and went to a park right across from our hotel. It was amazing. Todd and I ran 1 mile and walked a total of 3 miles all over the park, ending up back at the hotel for breakfast. A quick breakfast and we all had to shower and pack up.

Some how I managed to forget my camera charger. I remembered everything else, but I forgot the charger! So Todd decided that we would ask the front desk where a camera shop was… want to guess how that went? Many people speak English but today, no one understood what we needed. We decided to spend our last 30 minutes walking the streets of Rome trying to find a camera charger. We did not have any luck finding one but we did get some yummy gelato.

At 12:30 we loaded a van for a 50-minute ride to the port. Let me just say, I honestly didn’t think we were going to make it! This driver was CRAZY! I mean crazy! We did make it though and getting on the boat was a breeze! We got on the boat and into our rooms in 25 minutes and we had our luggage within 45. It was great. Our room, AH-MAZING! It is actually bigger than our room was in Rome and it has a great balcony, huge bathroom that includes a bathtub and great storage space. I’m in love with this room. Let me also mention that we are located on level 12, which is a few steps from the pool, fitness and spa! There is also a butler on the floor that brings us snacks at teatime! I want to just hang out in our room! This has been such a treat and a great way to celebrate 5 years together. Ken actually told them it was our honeymoon, so we got a cake delivered to our room! Todd and I checked out the boat and all it had to offered and then spent time unpacking and called it a night early.
Another great day!


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