Training Day #12

Oh my! This was a tough one. The first 3.5 KILLED ME! My dad and mom decided to join us on their bikes. Mom was going to run with us, but due to a hurt knee the doctor told her to back off. It was actually great to have them! My aunt (the trainer) brought her running buddy and because they got to talking they left Liz and I in the dust! The problem with this is that we depend on her to time us on our 3/1's. Well when we could no longer see her, we just kept running, thinking surely someone will tell us that our 3 minutes are UP! No one did! My dad kept telling me that we were almost there! The mile marker was just around the corner. Oh, no I'm sorry just around this corner, no wait it's just around this corner! I was so happy when I finally saw that 3.5 mile marker, because it meant that we got to turn around and run 3 more miles back!

I would have given anything for a sip of water! My prayers were answered when my aunt said that there was a water fountain! A short run to the fountain and we were refreshed for our run back. At least I thought we were! I finally got in the groove and it felt good, still hard but good. I was happy to have my friend Liz beside me the entire way. When I wanted to stop, she made me keep going. My knee didn't hurt one bit today! This was truly a blessing and I am thanking God. The only thing that hurt today was my little toe! I ended up with a blister. I was beyond thrilled when I saw the .5 mile marker.....TIME TO WALK!!! My dreams were quickly shattered when my aunt said,"one more 3 minute run!". So Liz pushed me and even though I wanted to stop, I didn't. We walked the rest of the way back for a cool down and I was so happy to have finished a 6 mile run and a 1 mile walk.

TIME: 1 hr 30 minutes
DISTANCE: 6 miles

***my dad tried to run a mile to see how hard it was... he determined that we were doing a great job! After that mile, he was back on his bike!***


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