
Wednesday night is normally chick-fil-a night with daddy and the babies. He has told me he loves going there because they are so helpful and kid friendly. Todd is a brave soul! Both the kids could be in cranky moods and he will still brave taking them out. I would call for a pizza or make a quick dinner. I'm just not as brave as he is! RARELY do I even take both of them out to eat on my own. I normally make sure that we are at least meeting friends there. A second pair of hands ALWAYS comes in handy.

Today though, we had to get out of the house. By 10 I didn't want to see anymore runny noses, or hear any more whining about the fact that we don't have anymore blueberries! Wyatt cried for a solid 25 minutes because we ran out of them. No kidding, 25 minutes. He also wanted to eat everything in site. Every 20 minutes he was hungry and wanted to eat again. Pancakes, waffles, blueberries, raspberries, nutragrain bar, yogurt, another bar, milk, cheese, more milk, finally I just said no more! We are waiting until lunch. It wasn't that he wanted to eat alot, I mean I would give that kid all that stuff if I knew he would eat it. What was driving me crazy was the fact that he pulled this stunt over and over....

W- "hungry! yogurt please! yogurt, I want a yogurt!"
Me- "okay, let me put baby down and we will get a snack." I put baby asleep and come back to playroom.
W-"yogurt, I wanna eat! Watch movie. Blueberries!"
Me-"We don't have blueberries, let's eat a yogurt and you can watch bees. (THis would be the bee movie- in the babys highchair. I normally let him eat his snack in the highchair with a movie.)
W-"blueberrie. blueberries. blueberries."
Me-I handed him a yogurt. "We only have yogurt."

I think you get the drift. I gave him yogurt, he wanted something else, I gave him something else and he wanted another thing. He says he is done eating, I clean him up and put him down. 10 minutes later.... "I wanna eat!" I threw my hands in the air! Papa called at just the right time, wanting to come see the kids and to take us to lunch. I said, "SOUNDS GREAT! Let's please go to chick-fil-a!"

Of course the kid that was starving at home didn't want to eat, but he did play quietly so we could eat and finally ate some chicken and fruit. Half way through our meal, my dad (Papa) hands McKinley the wrapper of a fork, (don't ask me why!). I saw it, took it away and then she did what she always does when she gets gagged or chocked up.... THREW UP EVERY WHERE!!! All over Papa! I quickly grabbed her, knowing what to expect, all over the floor, herself, etc. It was a mess. I had to laugh, because M has done this a couple times. She tends to get chocked up or gag and it all comes back up. In addition to that though, my dad can't stand throw up! He change any dirty diaper you give him but throw up is a different story. He just looked at me and said, "I'll be back!" When it was all cleaned up she was happy and we could eat. It was nice to get out of the house!!! Long story short.... Chick-a-lay is a great place for kids!


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