McKinley Ten Months Old

This is McKinley when she is mad that she can't have something....

There are a few words that describe the personality that McKinley currently has....


She has spent the last month developing her personality. She is the baby of the family and some days I don't give her enough credit. I watch her do something and seem so shocked, but then I realize that she isn't 6 months old anymore. I love watching her play and discover new things every day. She is a BUSY little bee!

SLEEP: Love/hate with sleep. She sleeps through the night, has been waking some but just fusses a little and goes back down by herself. During the day she will fight it sometimes, but other times she will just go right to sleep. Some afternoons she will play for an hour or more before falling asleep.

Here's how her day is spent....

7:00/7:45: wake up- happy and playing (unless she is dirty- then she is not happy) given 8oz bottle( normally drinks at least 4, sometimes more.)
8:00ish: some baby food/a few finger foods
9:00/9:30: 8 oz bottle and lay down for a nap.
11:30: lunch -sometimes doesn't eat at all
1:30/1:45: 8oz bottle and a nap
6:00: dinner
7:00/7:30: 8oz bottle and a bedtime. She goes down very easy for a bedtime.

-LOVES the Wiggles. She will climb out of my lap and get close to the television and start dancing. It's nice that Wyatt and McKinley can agree on a show to watch!

-Claps her hands. So very cute!!! If we say "yay" she starts clapping.

-two teeth on the bottom, two on the top, and two more coming in on the top! Way more than Wyatt.

-Loves drinking water out of a straw- will not hold the cup or her bottle though.

-LOVES to explore-The ENTIRE house! Room by room, toy by toy, she loves getting into things. She really likes Wyatt's toys.

-Dancing. So cute.

-Saying, "mama", "dada", "baba", and making some other noises. Sometimes she is so chatty and other times she is very reserved.

-Crazy fast crawler and will pull up on everything. She has even let go and stood for a few seconds on her own.

-eating more and more finger foods and less interested in her baby food. She is a very picky eater.

-Stubborn!!!!! I am trying to teach her, "NO" and she is a little harder than Wyatt was. I would say no to him and he would look at me with this sad little face. She will look at me and keep doing what she is doing. I say it again and pop her hand. She just looks a me and goes right back to doing what she was doing. I will cover/hide/remove/ whatever it is she is trying to get and she will push or pull my hand away and continue to try to get it. She will fuss and whine and continue to try until she decides it time to move on. SHe is one determined and hard headed little lady.

Our little love bug is getting bigger everyday and I wish I could slow it down.


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