My rant for the day

I have never put my thoughts about this out there, mainly because I think everyone should make up their own mind about the issue and there is no right or wrong answer. No one person has all the answers. However, I am putting my thoughts out there because I also don't think people should just do whatever the doctor says without looking into it. So here goes my rant...

Tuesday when I turned on the Today show, my attention was grabbed by one of their top stories, “Study linking MMR vaccine to autism a fraud!” Crap, I have to go get Wyatt out of bed and get to school and I will miss this! No need to fear, that’s what my DVR and the internet are for. When I finally did get the chance to read this article I was not very happy with it. Couple things I’d like to get off my chest about this…..

ONE: no one can say for certain what causes autism! So don’t tell me what you know for sure that the MMR is safe and we should all run out and get it!

TWO: everyone has different reactions to shot. They are not safe and right for everyone

THREE: I’m not saying this one shot causes it (I believe it could be a combination of getting to many at such a young age) but if it did, do you really think that the government would acknowledge what has happened because the government cannot afford the true aftermath of the mandatory vaccine

FOUR: I believe that there is some truth that vaccinations might jump start autistic/asperger tendencies

FIVE: Why trust anything the pharmaceutical corporations have to say; they make TONS of money off vaccinations. They thrive off vaccines and they’re no more likely to find fault with their own vaccines than a cigarette company is to admit cigarettes cause cancer

SIX: each year we get more vaccines pushed onto children and each year we see autism increase.

Please, please don’t get me wrong; I think that vaccines play an important role! Wyatt will get his shots but not on the governments timetable. I don’t believe that tiny little bodies currently building up their own immune systems need to be bombarded with shots. I think they need to build up some immunity themselves. I did the research and we made the decision that was right for us. Yes, I want my child to be healthy and do all that I can to see that he stays healthy but I don’t think that shots are the only answer. I also want my child to get chicken pox! YES I said that! As more and more healthy children are vaccinated today against that, there will be a decreasing number of unvaccinated children who will have an opportunity to get chicken pox and acquire permanent natural immunity. By having the vaccine you are not immune for life, leaving you at risk for chicken pox and serious complications as an adult.

I think everyone should do their own research and make their own decision based on what is right for them. For the time being, no one knows what causes Autism. I also believe that environmental factors and age may play a role in autism but until we know for sure. Why would I put my child at risk, when this is something I can control? That is my rant and I just had to get it out!! Please don’t believe everything you hear on the news or radio. Do research, ask questions and make the best decision based on what you know! I read two great books and spend countless hours researching before we made our decision.


  1. Nicole, I totally agree with you. I dont let Paisley get all the shots that they want her to get. I do my research and choose what i think is best for her. So i totally understand how you feel. I hate how they push the vaccine on these little innocent children. Paisley is perfectly healthy and very smart and i really think that its bc she has gotten very little shots. Its good that we speak our minds on it bc so many ppl have no clue. I really enjoyed reading your ranting. Thanks Heather


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