Funny Moment- MORE!

When Wyatt was about 8 or 9 months, I started to teach him a small amount of sign language. I did, "more", "drink", and "all done". It took a long time for any of it to stick. Then one day out of the blue he started to use "more" when he wanted something, he would also use "drink" and "all done" on occasion. An from the other funny moment I shared, he created his own for "hot". Well here is what I think is so FUNNY...... not only does the kid use it for food but he does it when he wants more of anything. It is so darn cute!!! Here are a few funny examples:

-Daddy was playing hide and seek with him the other day and when he left Wyatt looked over at me and did the sign for "more".
-I was tickling the little fellow today and when I stopped for a minute he did the sign for "more" and just smiled. I couldn't resist!
-When Papa or aunt JenJen give him a horse ride (on the back), the very moment they stop he signs for "more".

I just find it so cute that he can now express himself in this way and let us know what he likes or finds funny and what he wants "MORE" of!


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