25 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 25 weeks (tomorrow)
Size of baby: McKinley is as long as a recorder- you know the instrument that you played in elementary school.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 12 pounds total so far
Maternity Clothes: living in my jeggings and maternity shirts. I hate maternity jeans! Got some nice new maternity clothes for Christmas!
Gender: It’s a GIRL
Movement: feeling her all the time. Kicks a lot more!!
Sleep: Getting up once at least once a night to use the restroom and since little man has been sick, hearing his poor cough is also keeping me awake!
What I miss: Turkey sandwiches!!!
Cravings: no real cravings, just hungry a lot more these days.
Symptoms: feeling great
Best Moment this week: (that has to do with this pregnancy)-sending off the fabric to get the bedding made and getting her diaper bag for Christmas!! I love it!


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