26 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 weeks
Size of baby: McKinley is the length of an english cucumber. (I took this from someone else's sight.)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Not sure!
Maternity Clothes: living in my jeggings and maternity shirts.
Gender: It’s a GIRL
Movement: Man can she kick and move all around
Sleep: Getting up once at least once a night to use the restroom.
What I miss: Turkey sandwiches!!! Oh, and eating without getting indigestion so bad that I throw up!
Cravings: no real cravings, just hungry a lot more these days. I don't want to eat red meat.
Symptoms: HORRIBLE indigestion!!! So bad I have gotten sick on a number of occasions.
Best Moment this week: Having Wyatt kiss my belly when I said, "Can you give the baby a kiss!" Three different times I have asked him where the baby is and he will point to my tummy. So sweet!


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