My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday and I must say it was wonderful! I got to celebrate Saturday with my family and then yesterday I dropped Wyatt off at Viviennes and went to look at preschool programs without the little man, followed by lunch with Todd (childless!), then dinner at Bonefish! I also got some very sweet cards from my husband and Wyatt! The only kink in the day was the indigestion I had, let me rephrase that... the indigestion I now seem to have on a regular basis! I was drinking Maalox on the way to Bonefish. I then decided that even though i had this little issue I still wanted the bang bang shrimp and after all it was my birthday and its my favorite. My the time they brought the food out, I had to excuse myself to use the restroom which turned into,


Me throwing up, three different times! Not only was this gross but extremely embarrassing, even though I made it to the bathroom! After that I felt much better! I had told Todd as we were driving there, if i could just throw up I would feel better. This continues to be an issue for me. I think she is going to have lots of hair!

So, other than that, it was a GREAT DAY!!!


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