17 months


You are 17 months old! I know I say this every time I write one of these updates, but I really can't believe that you are 17 months old! One day this stage is my favorite and I never want it to end and then the next it truly makes me want to pull my hair out! Just when I thought all might be lost, I read a couple of my favorite mommy bogs and they all described their toddlers going through the same thing, it's as if I could go down the list and put big check marks in the box....

-My child throws himself on the floor in tantrums-CHECK
-Yells because they are so frustrated-CHECK
-Cries for no reason (that we know of)-CHECK
-Throws food or plates in frustration-CHECK

Not everyday is a pull out my hair day. These are very rare! At 17 months you amaze me every single day. I wouldn't change it for anything!

Here's what you have been up to.....

SLEEP: You have been going to bed around 7:30/8 and sleeping until 6:15-7:45. I have to admit I don't like the 6:15 but luckily for mommy and daddy you love your crib and on most mornings will stay in there until at least 7:30 and on some days you go back to sleep. I love watching you when you wake up on the video monitor, you play with your little animals and sometimes read the books I sneak in to your crib at night. For naps you normally go down at 1:30 and sleep until 3 on a good day and 4 on a GREAT day. Lately you have been giving me a little fuss at naptime because all you want me to do is read but normally you go down very easy.

FOOD: You have always loved to eat but these days you have a couple of foods that you have developed a love/hate relationship with. Here is what you LOVE: waffles, pancakes, bread, bananas, oranges, apples, PBJ, turkey, ham, beans, sweet potato, mushrooms, cheese, raisins, fries, pizza, tomatoes, seaweed salad, rice, noodles, meatballs, grapes, nilla waffers, milk
LOVE/HATE: chicken, blueberries, pears, peaches, cheerios, puffs, yogurt. We also went through a small stage where restaurants were no fun! Now you are doing much better, thanks in part to action figures, cars, coloring and stickers. All of those things will entertain you until our food comes out and we can eat together.

-Toy story- I can ask you to point out certain people on your plate and you can always find Buzz, Woody and the Pig.
-Lilo and Stitch: you love this movie!!
-Wiggles are still your favorite but you also like to watch little Einstein’s, Handy Manny, and anything with music. The other day I was watching a television show called Glee and you would stop whatever you were doing when they would start singing. You also liked Singing in the Rain!
-Books: you love your books. You love to flip through them, pretend to read them or have them read to you. Current favorites are any llama llama book, My mommy hung the moon and I'm gonna like me.
-Your kitchen- you love to take everything out of it and take the stuff to whoever is watching you.
-Puzzles and stickers
-Action figures: I love this because it reminds me of your uncles and how they used to play with action figures and take them everywhere they went. I love to watch you make them fall of things, fall down, interact with one another and have pretend conversations with the.

-Hearing all the animal sounds that you can do.... Pig/Sheep/Bear/Lion/Cow/Cat/Dog/Bee
-Showing me by sticking out your tongue what a snack does
-Blowing kisses
-Playing peek a boo
-Hearing you try to sing, happy birthday song, row row row your boat, or any other song your Mimi might have taught you.
-Showing me where the baby’s room is and pointing to my belly when I ask you where the baby is
-Telling me what Santa says "ho,ho,ho"
-Signing more when you like something
-Winking-cutest thing ever!
-Adding daily to your vocabulary- here are some new ones in addition to what you have been saying-
Mimi (more like maymay but you are finally saying it!), nana, llama, Thank you (tank to), please (peas), lambie, uh oh(oh,oh with a cute little round mouth to go with it, drink, bye bye, baby, back

I love watching you grow up. I love holding your tiny hands to go down the stairs like a big boy, the fact that I can tell you go find something and you start looking and bring it to me, watching you learn about the world around you, watching you climb into your rocking chair or couch to read a book by yourself, how you love your lambie, getting big hugs and kisses from you! I just love you!


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