Just one of those days....

My sweet, happy go lucky 17 month old, was not so happy go lucky today! He was with his Mimi and Papa until 11 this morning, then we met them for lunch and took over. He was okay at lunch and up until nap time but after nap I am not sure what happened. He fussed and cried all the way to the Cudos, all the way to the mall, brief moment of happiness when he was enjoying a cookie, total meltdown when the cookie was gone (TOTAL!!!!), cried through the mall to the bookstore, brief moment of happy while playing on train table, meltdown when we had to leave, cried all the way to dinner.

One would think that we would have given in and headed home, but no mommy and daddy had their heart set on Japanese food and so we forged on! Miyabi had a wait of over an hour, let me check with the screaming kid in the back... NO! So Todd thought about trying the place next to the Country Club (I can't remember the name), there was no wait and seemed perfect.

We put the chair in the middle of us and I broke out the milk, toy men and nilla wafers (yes, I know bad to give cookies before dinner), he remained happy! When Todd got his seaweed salad, Wyatt dropped what he was doing and went right for it! YES, he ate almost all of Todd's salad. Then when the soup came, he ate most of Todd's soup. I then broke out the yogurt while we waited for our food to be cooked, he ate ALL the yogurt! He was then amazed when the fire started and they started cooking in front of us. He played with his little action figures and then enjoyed lots of rice. By the time the chicken cooked, he must have been feeling like me, FULL! He played with stickers while we finished and was then quiet all the way home! He was then as happy as he could be, all the way to bed!

So some days are better than others. I am just glad that on a grumpy day, there were two of us.


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