Update on being sick

Thursday afternoon Wyatt slept again for 2 hours and then it was he got a second wind. He played and laughed when family came to visit him and then slept through the night. However, another man in the house did not sleep through the night! Todd was throwing up until about 3 he thinks. I was behind him spraying the lysol!

Friday morning Todd was feeling much better, all he had was a lingering headache so we let him sleep in. Wyatt and I got up and attempted to eat breakfast, he just wanted to cry and then be held and at about 8:45 I knew he just needed a nap. I must say that after two days of him taking two naps a day, I miss two naps!!! He slept for two hours then we attempted to go to lunch. I had to get out of the house! It was worth a shot! The sweet boy who 99% of the time will sit pretty contently in his chair while we eat, didn't want to have anything to do with grilled chicken, bread, raisins or even nilla wafers! I held him while Todd ate then we switched and took him right home.

Todd was so sweet and agreed to stay home with him so I could get out and enjoy an afternoon movie with my mom and dad for their birthdays. He took a great nap and woke up alittle happier! He even did great at Poblanos to celebrate his Papa and Mimi's birthday. Again he didn't eat much but seemed to be much happier.

Saturday morning: Todd let me SLEEP IN!! When I saw the little man at 9, he was ready for a nap but he did eat a little breakfast! He is now fast asleep and we are relaxing. I am hoping that things are on the up and up!


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