Looking for pacifier advice....

So, I have been thinking about a lot these days.......

-potty training
-giving up the pacifiers
-starting a new semester at school
-Should I get Wyatt a flu shot
-Should I look into a closer MDO program for next fall?
-Will I be able to handle two kids under two?

Those are just some of the thoughts running through my head these days. The one that I want your advice on is the pacifier thing. I've read about the pacifier fairy, saying goodbye to it in a build a bear, going cold turkey, etc. I am not convinced that at 16 months he will understand any of the above ways to get rid of it. I could wait until he is a little older, but I worry that as the days go by, he gets more and more attached and it will get harder and harder to take away. I have also noticed, that he will talk A LOT more when that thing isn't in his mouth! SO... What to do?

He was good at giving up the bottle so I am hopeful that maybe he will be easy on this. Today I tried to limit it to the bedroom. Only use it for naps and bedtime. I will see how this works and then maybe go from there. I would love to hear any thoughts or advice!!!


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