Wyatt- March 2012

WOW! Wyatt has grown so much over the last 7 months. He continues to amaze me with what he learns everyday. Let me share a few things…..

*Counting- he can count to about 17 and then he gets a little lost. We have school and Mrs. Celeste’s house to thank for this!

*Singing- abc’s-not perfectly/Old McDonald/duck song/Butterfly(a Miley Cyrus song)/Fruit Salad- and just about every other Wiggle song/Jack and the Pirate song/those are just a few. He will burst into a song and I often wonder-“Where in the heck did you learn that one.”

*Playing by himself- he is SO good keeping himself entertained. I am honestly wowed by this! He will go in the sunroom or his upstairs playroom and play very contently and quietly for very long periods of time. This is helpful when I need to tend to McKinley or throw a load of clothes in the washer or unload the dishwasher or even just pack his lunch. I love to sneak up on him and listen to him talking to his little action figures or making the car sounds. It’s funny the things he comes up with.

*Recongizes places- When I drive past the place I go to spin, even when we don’t turn in, he sees the sign and says, “that wehere mommy goes to workout.” When I am close to Target, he says, “I need to go to that store.” If we tell him something is closed, he will find smoething that looks remotely open and says, “that’s open, I go there.” If you pull into certain resturants he can recognize what they are based on the signs, chick-fil-a, cracker barrel, evans dinner, etc. If we tell him we are going to see Mimi and Papa and you head in the wrong direction, “No I go see Mimi and Papa.”

*Daily improvement with Vocabulary- I love hearing the things that come out of his mouth.
“Nice to meet you! I’m workin so hard.”- he said all that together one day. I’m not sure who in his life says those things!

“My turn. I do it.”
“Mommy, you tired? You tired mommy!” – he likes to ask me this when I get a little upset with something he has done. Blames it on me being tired.

“Where daddy is? Daddy at work? Daddy flying airplanes”

“First, I take a nap and when we wake up we play outside!”-Okay if you say so!

“I sleep until it’s light outside!”- yes you did Wyatt! I hate that it’s now light outside at about 6:!5 instead of 7!

(as he is sweeping the floor) “I look like Mimi!”

“Where baby is? Baby sleepin? I see baby.”

It is still hard to understand him sometimes, but his sentences are getting longer and he is trying so hard. Some days he gets so tongue tied because he has so much he wants to tell us. I love seeing him around his teacher, Ms. Gloria(very pretty lady) he walks right up to her and sways back and forth bending his knees and is SO tongue tied we can barely make out what he is trying to tell her. He does the same thing when he gets excited to see Kristin!

*Is ALWAYS HUNGRY- I mean always. Todd and I joke about how much he eats and the fact that when he doesn’t know what to say or do he says, “I hungry! I eat!” he eats me out of house and home! Around the clock, blueberries, bananas, pancans (pancakses), chicken, cheese, mac and cheese, turkey, nooddles, milk, yogurt, strawberries, pizza, hotdogs, and the list goes on.

*Horses- the kid wakes up wanting to go ride a horse. He loves this and it’s one of his most favorite things to do with Papa!

*Interest in the Potty- we haven’t really pushed this because when we do it always back fires and ends badly, so we have just laid off. At night he is really good with it, he will actually tells us he has to go and run to the potty. We can also get him to sit on the potty a little easier at night. It’s a work in progress. At least he isn’t screaming when we ask him to sit there like he did a few months ago.

*Big boy bed-So my little monkey continued to climb out of bed and we finally had to convert his crib to a toddler bed. I thought this was going to be hard but so far, it’s been pretty easy. He was so cute when he walked in on Sunday night and saw it for the first time. “What happened? What happened?” he kept asking. He said daddy broke it and then he broke it. It was so cute. Todd had to show him 10 times how to get out of his new bed. He still wanted to climb over the side. I braced myself for a long night, expecting the worst but at 6 when I looked at the monitor and saw that he was still in bed, I was rejoicing!!! Yes, at 6 he was sitting still as can be in his bed. He was playing with his little animals and talking to himself. He didn’t get out of his bed until 6:20 when it was light outside! I walked in and he said, “I slept til light outside.” I was so proud. We say that to him EVERYNIGHT and sure enough even when he could get out, he didn’t. Everynight we read one book in his rocking chair and then one book with him laying in bed, sing two songs and then say goodnight. He then goes right to sleep until it’s light outside.

*Opening doors- Todd taught him this one. He can’t always do it but on occasion, like Thursday morning, he opened his door and managed to come into our room. He also likes to help me open the door and hold it open until, “everybody inside.”

He is growing up WAY to fast. Todd and I both agree that this is a great stage. Somedays it’s tough but always rewarding.


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