Training Day #23

I am SORE!!! My core hurts and my legs ache but I made it! I made it! I made it! When I glanced at the weather forecast for today, I was not happy. It was going to be cold and windy. Not my favorite conditions for a long run. My Aunt and I both didn't think we were going to make it the whole 9.5 but we wanted to do what we could. After the first 2, I said, "Let's just do it!". I drank my energy drink before the run and it must have kicked in for both of us. It actually didn't feel to bad. I felt slow compared to my Aunt but I kept going. We ran the length of a song, so a little over 3 minutes and then would walk a minute.
***side note on that bc I get asked all the time- we are doing the galloway method. Which means that we will ALWAYS run for 3 or 4 minutes and then walk for 1 minute. It is a PROVEN method of training and can actually help improve your time.***
Okay, so the running went well. I prayed that the wind would calm down and that God would give me the endurance I needed to make it the entire 9 plus miles. My prayers were answered. The wind wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I felt great.

DISTANCE: 9.5 miles
TIME: 1 hour and 42 minutes


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