Thank you Health Department

This is the one time that I wish I would have asked for a name! I would love to have the name of the women who told me that I needed to come down to the health department and let her give my child the 8 shots he needs to be "caught up". Let me explain....

Friday upon returning from our nice two day trip to Miami, I was greeted by a letter from the Columbia County health department that had been sent home with Wyatt on Thursday. It said that Wyatt's immunization form was incomplete and I had 30 days to get him aught up or he would be pulled from school. This came as a huge shock to me because I was very upfront with Wyatt's MDO and told them what we were doing. We are getting him caught up but we are spacing them out. Therefore every 6-8 weeks I take Wyatt to the doctor and he gets one or two shots. I'm not against them, I just wanted them spaced out and starting at age 2. This has never been a problem for us, until now! When we moved from Reid to Grace, I was sure to make sure that this would be okay, and I was told as long as I brought in a current record of the shots he has and was getting we would be fine or that I could sign a waiver.

I called the Health Department this morning and when the first lady couldn't help me I was transferred to a nurse. I let her know what was going on and that online under the health departments website is says....

"If the child's record does not meet the requirements, he may attend day care or school while he is catching up. Your doctor or clinic will mark a new expiration date on the form 3231 each time he gets a new shot until all requirements are met."

She said this really wasn't the case. That means that we can play catch up but I have to get the number of shots the form says not what the doctor and I talk about! WHAT! My doctor has been fine with use doing it and now your telling me to do what you say?! There is no way that he can go in and get all 8 now they won't recommend it. SHe said "well the doctors might not to what is right and recommended but we will. You can bring him here?"

I was in shock. SHe kept saying that if we went to a private doctor office that they sometimes get it wrong and don't do what the CDC recommends. I then asked about a religious waiver or some other kind saying that I am playing catch up but it will take more than 30 days. She said that I wasn't very religious if I did that because I would be lying. She also asked why I would want to space them out and put my son through having multiple shot visits instead of just all at once. She finally hung up on me... no I wasn't yelling.

I am thinking that this may have been a scare tactic to try It get me to have the shots. I just want some form of an answer. Can he stay in school as long as we are getting caught up. I am so very frustrated and upset!!!! Next call is to the doctor to see what they say.


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