Sorry it's been about ME

I know that I have spent the last two months talking A LOT about my weekly weigh ins and my training and I’m sorry! I have just been really focused on it. A fellow blogger and mom of two declared this “the year about me”. I know what your thinking, how selfish is that but is it?

She has a three year old and brand new baby and has spent the last 4 years pregnant or caring for very young children. She wanted to get back in shape, take the extra five minutes to dry her hair instead of just pull in a pony tail, get dressed instead of hanging in sweat pants and begin to make her health a priority. I get where she is coming from. After Wyatt was born I worked really hard to loose the weight, not as hard as I am now, but still I tried! As soon as I made progress, PREGNANT! Yes, this is what we wanted. I loved every minute of being pregnant and gaining the weight. However, now that I don’t see a new baby in our furture, I want my body back! Not only do I want it back, I want to get in better shape than I have ever been. I also want to take the time to fix my hair, put a little makeup on and dress in something other than my j.jill black pants and a comfy shirt. If you hang around me, you would probably also like me to put away those pants!

This is sounding very selfish and let me assure you that it’s not all about me nor do I want it to be. I have just carved out a little time for myself and to be honest I think it is making me a happier and better mom to my babies. When I get up a little early and make it to a 6 am spin, I come back feeling ready to tackle my day, I’m not trying to drag myself out of bed. I feel energized and happy. When I get to go on a long run Saturday, I come back feeling refreshed. On Friday’s when I see that the scale has dropped one or two pounds, I feel amazing and accomplished. So you may hear me continue to talk about my weight loss progress and my training because it is something that has become a priotry in my life these days and I am so glad it has!


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