It's POURING!!!!

Have you ever heard the saying, when it rains, it pours? Guess what?!? It's pouring over here! My day started with a door shutting at 4:20am, I jumped up thinking Wyatt had made his way to our room and quickly realized that it was just Todd shutting the door to the bathroom. I glanced at the monitor, McKinley was asleep and Wyatt was moving around, he was actually turned around in his crib, and at the other end. I knew this wasn't going to be good, I even asked Todd if he thought that I should go turn him around. We decided that wasn't such a good idea. At 5:00am little man was crying out saying, "wrong way, wrong way!" I went in there in hopes of stopping him before he got to our room. I told him that it wasn't light outside, turned him around and said goodnight. Walked back to my bed, looked at the monitor and M is awake. So I just lay in bed watching the monitor scan from one room to another hoping that they will both go to sleep. AT 5:15 M starts crying so I rush in try to get her to stop. I made the mistake of giving her a bottle and laying her back down. Not really a mistake at the moment but will hurt me later on! Make my way back to bed. At 6:00 am Wyatt comes in our room. I honestly don't have the energy to turn him around and make him go back to his room, bad mommy! So I tell him that he has to lie down in our bed until it's time to get up. He of course doesn't wan to do that but he finally does. At 6:20 he is talking to me and trying to get us to turn the TV on. I refused to do it until "mommy needs to take a shower." He then is telling mommy to go take a shower. How Todd can sleep through all this, I honestly don't know. He finally wakes up though and tells Wyatt to lie down. Wyatt lies down until 6:40 when I got in the shower and turned the TV on for Wyatt. Needless to say my day started early!

Being that his mood and behavior at school are affect by his sleep, I knew that Wyatt wasn't going to be good at school and I really don't want another write up! So.... I went with him to the Easter egg hunt and breakfast and then took him home with me at 11:15. At school I was so close to tears a couple times, I am tender hearted if you haven't guessed by now and I do cry easily. I held it in though! He just wasn't my child! He was throwing things, not listening to the teachers, or me and being whinny. It was hard with all the parents around and feeling like I have no control over my own child. HE WOULD NOT LISTEN Time out didn't really work either because he wanted to stay there! I know that when parents come in the classroom they tend to show off a little and act out and that in his class there are 10 boys! Yes, 10 boys! One starts to run, they all run. One throws a block, they all do it. They are 2! I get it but Wyatt is going through a phase right now that makes me want to cry and pull my hair out! It also makes me drop to my knees and ask God for his help and guidance. I'm lost and don't know what to do!

This afternoon, I knew he had to be tired, but of course he put up a fight going to sleep. I finally get him down and M decides and hour nap is all she needs. HELP! I know this is all just a phase, a phase that in a short time will be over. I don't like wishing my time away but I am so ready for this week to be over! I'm ready for 10 days of my hubby being home and us being at the beach! I'm so ready!


  1. I am wondering if there is something in the schools environment or something that has changed at the school that is making him feel overstimulated, especially wanting to stay in time out?

  2. You poor thing! Some days can be so tough. Hang in there, and enjoy your vacation! Hopefully Wyatt will be back to his sweet self when he returns the following week. Big're not alone!!


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