McKinley Eleven Months Old

One more month and she will be ONE!!! I thought it flew by with Wyatt but I was wrong, this year has gone by so very fast! She is changing very fast!

*SLEEPING: Still a great sleeper, not always a very long sleeper but I can't complain. She will pretty much put herself to sleep for naps and night time and she will sleep all night. She still likes a warm bottle before naps and bed and loves her bunny blankie.

*SCHEDULE: 7am: wakeup and bottle/8:30am: breakfast/9:ish: 8oz bottle and am nap/11:30am: lunch/1:30ish: 8oz bottle and nap/6:00pm dinner/7:15pm: 8oz bottle and bed

*EATING: she has always been a picky eater. She loves to eat pancakes and waffles just like her brother did. Some other things she will eat: pizza/yogurt/cinnamon type oatmeal babyfoods/green beans/oranges/puffs/graham crackers/ritz crackers/cheerios/bread/turkey
She is not a huge fan of babyfood and will rarely eat it.

*Loves the Wiggles- I find this funny because Wyatt loved them at this age too. She will turn her head as soon as she hears them come on. She will crawl close to the TV so she can see it and doesn't move until its over. She loves the episode with the song "Uncle Noah's Ark." It cracks me up because she will move her hands like they do and will try to make the animal sounds.

*She is starting to pick up the sign for "more"

*Waving bye bye more and more

*Loves to get into the cabinets and play with the doors

*Likes to swing but doesn't like to touch the grass- Wyatt was the same way.

*Will give Kisses!! Open mouth kisses-the best kind:)

*Clapping and dancing when she hears music or her brother sings to her

*Likes the "itsy bitsy spider." Will move her hands when she hears it.

*pulling up on EVERYTHING and cruising the furniture

*VOCAB: still saying: mama/dada/. Started saying what I think sounds like "baby". Will also make a sound like a dog, when you ask her what a dog says. Not really a bark but an "arf,arf, arf." Its cute. She is babbling more and more.

She has stolen our hearts with her sweet personality. We just love her to pieces!


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