Another bad day at school

I pull up and see Wyatt's class waiting patiently to go onto the playground. I decided to wait and watch Wyatt for a minute to see what he does. Well when they opened the gate, he slowly walks to the picnic table and climbs up to sit down. He keeps his head low and looks very sad. I knew he was in timeout! So I sat in the car for a minute until he looked over and noticed me. I walked up and his teacher started coming toward me with a white sheet of paper! CRAP!

Honestly, riding down the road today I just had this feeling that Wyatt was going to be in trouble today. He woke up at 6, an hour earlier than he normally does and whenever he wakes up early, he gets into trouble! Turns out he hit Sarah Beth near the eye with a toy. I honestly wanted to cry and had he started crying I probably would have burst into tears. I held it in all the way to the car and even held it in while I let Todd know what happened, then I let it go. Yes, I cried half way home. My eyes were red when I got Wyatt out of the car and all I could say was, "You hitting your friends makes mommy sad." He looked at me with his sweet blue eyes and said, "mommy sad? You no be sad mommy." My mom opened the door and just by looking at my face she knew what happened and asked Wyatt about his day at school. He told her that he hit Sarah Beth. We headed straight up for a nap but not without a little struggle. Wyatt didn't want to take a nap, didn't want to read the book that he picked out, didn't want to put his pants on, I think you get my drift. The rest of his day wasn't much better. He continued to have highs and lows and more crying than is normal for him. What is going on?!? We have gone all year, well actually we have gone 2 years without him getting written up at school and now twice in one month. I really don't know what to do.

Few things I am going to try though....
1. NO hitting/throwing toys policy is revised- no more warnings but a straight time out. By now he should get this.
2. Positive reinforcement- when he is good at school and doesn't end up in time out, he will get a treat.
3. earlier bedtime and work on sleeping later- buying a clock to help with this.- he has got to get more sleep!!!!!!
4. No more allergy medicine. I had heard from Vivienne that Zyrtec and claritin can cause some reactions in some men and boys. Can develop aggressiveness, violent behavior, serious behavioral changes. I read about other mom's experiences and they said there kids were crying over little things, being aggressive, not sleeping well, the list went on. I'm NOT saying this is the only reason but I think it could be part of it.

I am praying for a better day tomorrow. It has to get better. Any suggestions?


  1. Hang in there! Your plan sounds great! How verbal is he, does he practice saying I am mad, etc to people? Owen got better when we guided him how to verbalize feelings.


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