Running on empty

I’m running on empty and need HELP, oh and maybe 8 hours of sleep!! A friend of mine once said, “Early early mornings are a standard part of having small children. However that doesn’t make it easy!” She couldn’t be more right! Early mornings are a standard part of our life. I’m OK with that. I can do 6:30 or 7! I’m okay with going to be at 10:30/11:00 and getting up 8 hours later. I can do that! Waking up at 4:30 to a toddler playing in his bed (sometimes 2:00), I CAN’T DO!

I’m not even sure when this started. I know that when McKinley was born he was starting to get up early, then he went through a phase of getting up in the middle of the night and wanting to be covered up, and now we have this early morning turn the light on. I have gone back and forth with making the light in his room unreachable. Part of me thinks it will help but the other part likes the fact that when he does wake up, he can turn it on and play for a while.

We have tried it all…. Go to bed early, go to bed late, late nap, early nap, snack before bed, etc. It’s just not working! The late bed was okay but it wasn’t giving consistent results and I feel like he is just tired at night and tired when he wakes. Not to mention that putting him to bed at 8:30/9 means that Todd and I have very little time at night. I have moved the bed tonight and he can no longer reach the light switch. I also added a night light in hopes that when he does finally wake, he will have a little light to sit in there with. Please wish me luck! I haven’t been this tired since McKinley was born!!! My house is a wreck because I wanted to use naptime to take a nap myself and we stayed out late for my brother’s birthday, so after getting kids to bed at 9, I headed there myself! I’m just worn slap out!


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