Merry Christmas (EVE)

Santa has already made a stop at our house, the casseroles are ready to go in the oven in the morning, sausage and cheese biscuits are all made, fruit is cut and in a bowl, and well we are ready for tomorrow morning!!! I should be in bed now, considering I have to wake up in about 6 hours, maybe less, but I can't. I think I am more excited for tomorrow than I was when I was a kid. I love that Wyatt was asking where Santa was and when he was coming. I CAN NOT wait to see his face in the morning when he sees what Santa has left. Last year, he came around the corner, saw his kitchen and said, "WOW!" It was a priceless moment.

I am also very excited about this being McKinley's first Christmas. With Wyatt he was 3 months old and well he really just sat in his bumbo chair surround by presents for a picture. McKinley is 8 months, and while she doesn't grasp the concept of this holiday or Santa, she does love the sound of the paper when it crinkles in her little hand or she beats on the box wrapped in front of her. Her face lights up and her arms are thrown in the air when a toy that she likes is put in front of her. It's magical to get to experience Christmas with a child.

Happy Birthday Jesus!!!


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