Cherish these moments

I need to tell you about Christmas and a few other exciting things but tonight I just want to talk about holding your babies tight and loving every moment you have with them.

This past year a lot of little babies have gone to be with the Lord. I have read blogs about loss, been close to a family who had to say goodbye to their sweet boys, and have had a friend of a friend suffer the unexpected loss of her little boy. Tonight I read two more heart breaking stories. I honestly cannot imagine loosing a child. I just can't imagine it. My heart breaks for these families who go into the hospital prepared and knowing that they might be delivering a baby who has already passed away, for the ones who get mere months instead of years with their child. In every single case, this people cling tight to the Lord and their faith that he will get them through the tough times ahead. That he had a perfect plan for their child and his plan included a very short stay on this earth. They have great faith in our God.

Tonight, I rocked McKinley until she wouldn't let me hold her anymore and I sang to Wyatt and rubbed his back until his eyes got heavy. I soaked up my sweet babies and prayed for the families that have had to say goodbye to theirs. Cherish the time we are given with our loved ones. Live each moment to the fullest, like it might just be your last.

To all those who have had to say goodbye to soon, I am praying and thinking about you tonight. Your faith and trust in God is amazing and touching more lives than you will ever know. Continue to trust in him.


  1. and remember when you thought it was hard growing up? being a parent.... it's .... that..... much .... harder ......
    sleep well, friend.


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