Today started a little early, okay it started REALLY early! Like 4:56 early with a sweet little man saying, "Mommy, I turn the light on." This is partly my own fault because we had a 10 minute talk about waiting to turn the light on until it was light outside, he must not have got the picture! I glanced at my phone and noted the time, I'm now keeping a detailed log of his day in order to see what works and what doesn't, and then I preceded into his room. He was sad when I told him that it wasn't time to get up, but he didn't cry, just laid back down. I watched him be still on the monitor until 5:10 and he was up playing with the lights on. I didn't every really go back to sleep but I did lay there until 6:00 when a little lady decided it was time for her to get up. Todd grabbed Wyatt, I feed her and our day was on its way. Somehow I managed to get a little makeup on, get dressed and pull my hair up before we were downstairs to eat breakfast. Keep in mind, it's only 7:00!!

McKinley was fussy before 7:30, not a good sign for us. I put her in the crib and she went right down for a nap. Not good, this is not our schedule! Regardless, she was napping peacefully while Wyatt and I got the house in order for our play date. Our day went smoothly until around 10, when M started getting fussy again and a casserole had to be finished and put in the oven. Wyatt was in the mood to pick on his sister and M wanted to have nothing to do with it! GREAT! At 10:45 on the dot, our first guest! "Sissy"!!! Wyatt was so very excited that he was having friends today and he adores "Sissy"! Our house was soon filled with screams, laughter, running, four babies under 1, 1 under 2 and 4 two year olds! Oh and 6 mommies! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!! Call me crazy, but it was great. Yes, there were a few tantrums and a couple tears but the kids decorated gorgeous cookies, ate some chicken, ran around and played until they couldn't play anymore. McKinley even got in on the action and played with her friend, Elisabeth. So very cute! Mommies ate their lunch here and there, standing, holding, and assisting babies and toddlers, but it was enjoyed. Someone please remind me to stop and actually offer drinks to people! I love my friends and love having playdates where we can all get together and just let our kids enjoy each other.

McKinley was put down for a nap, Mimi and Papa stopped to say hello to Wyatt, and the two napped simultaneously long enough for me to clean the house and send 4 emails! Wyatt slept until 4:15, a wonderful 2 hour nap for him! Kristin arrived and I was off to get my butt kicked by Ivan and spin. I left the house with a sink FULL of dirty dishes, a clean dishwasher that i had just run, and two kids to feed and one to get to bed. I came home to an unloaded dishwasher and NO DISHES in the sink and none in the dishwasher, one baby sound asleep and another so happy I just had to kiss him all over!! My wonderful babysitter unloaded the dishes, reloaded and unloaded again!! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW LUCKY WE ARE!!! It was such a nice treat because I got to just cuddle with Wyatt and put him to bed.

Speaking on Wyatt's bedtime, I put him down at 8:45 instead of 7:45. I am hoping that he decides to sleep in! Please oh please just sleep until 6 or 6:30. So that was our day! It was at times, tiring but it was oh so WONDERFUL! I am now off to bed in order to start my day with some spinning!!!


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