The things a two year old says

I have tried and tried to get Wyatt to say some of his cute sayings on camera, but it ain't gonna happen! I am learning very quickly that at this age, they change in what seems like a matter of hours! I'm not kidding. It's like he started talking over night. Each day a new phrase or word falls out of his mouth and shocks me!

Here are a couple of cute sayings....
-What you talking about?
-What's wrong baby?
-I did it
-I make a bottle
-It's to pretty
-I make a bottle
-Baby stinky
-I make this
-My turn
-A look like mommy/ daddy/ papa/ mimi (If he sees someone he thinks looks like a mommy or daddy or papa and mimi. It's really funny! The other day I had a gold shirt on, he said I looked like "Nana" because she tends to wear alot of that color.)
-Um, yes. (I love this when I ask him if he is saying something, that is his answer or "um, no.")
-Daddy fix a this. (Anything that doesn't work he says this)

Those are just a few little sayings that I love!!! I love the way he says certain words for example:


There are some other ones I will think of later, but for now thats all. I am trying so hard to get some of these on camera because I want to remember them forever!!! He has also started to talk to himself and play better by himself. Its the cutest thing! Last night he took this baby doll and wanted to change it's diaper (where I change McKinley), give it a bottle, burp it, and also give it a paci. I love his imagination.


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