Heavy on my heart

I really feel like God wanted me to share this message. I love my church and every message is wonderful in its own way, but this past Sunday God really spoke to me and changed my perspective this week.

God wants us to live a life full of joy, not just on special holidays but everyday.

More joy in one ordinary day than they get in all their shopping sprees. At day's end I'm ready for sound sleep, for you, God, have put my life back together. Psalm 4:7-8

3 simple ways to monitor your life:

1. Are you loving life? Do you really, really enjoy and love your life? In this moment, on this day, the day God gave us, are we loving it? Instead of loving today we think "if we can only have this, or do that." We need to live in the moment of today. 2 Corinthians 6:10, As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.

I love that question above. As a mom with two small children, sometimes I forget to live in the moment. I tend to think, if Wyatt would just do this, when she sleeps through the night it will be great, if only we can get Wyatt potty trained. (It was like the pastor was talking to me, because he used both of the examples I just listed and that's exactly how I feel right now. When they are older and no longer in need of our reassure at night or praise on the potty, I will miss it. I will long for the days when McKinley cried for me every 3 hours, Wyatt woke up once a night asking to be covered up or both kids are crying in the back of the car and all we can do is laugh. I will miss those days. I forget to live in the moment and cherish every.single.last.second with my precious babies. I want to stop looking ahead or looking back and just be in the moment. Love my life now.

2. Am I loving people? Do I love people? I don't want bitterness to rob me of the gladness that God wants me to have. Is there something I need to let go of?

3. Am I loving God? Do I love God? Am I passionately in love with him? Instead of focusing on the goodness of God, we tend to focus on the good things God promises. I need to fall back in love with him.

Live in the moment. Love life. Love people. Passionate pursue a relationship with God.


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