Training Day #33
Today was supposed to be 12.5 miles. I thought I was prepared until I woke up this morning with the worse stomach ache!! It was bad. I went downstairs to try to eat a banana, in hopes this would settle my stomach. After almost throwing it up, I went to lay down. Can I do this today? After about 30 minutes, I still felt like crap, but I was up and getting kids ready to go and myself ready to run. Yes, I was going to do it! 1- 16oz bottle of water~ down 1- banana with a little peanut butter~ eaten 1-16oz bottle of D fine 8~down ipod charged/ headphone~ready to go Garmin watch~charged water pack~cleaned and filled with water Protein bar~packed Shine/calf sleeves~on LETS RUN! At 9:15 we were off and well it didn't feel great but it didn't feel to bad. The weather was nice, cool at 65 degrees and the side we ran was very shaded. 3.3 miles and we saw the gas station, I have never been so happy to see a gas station! I ran in quick and grabbed a Gatorade for us to share. We drank it an...