
Showing posts from March, 2012

Training Day #33

Today was supposed to be 12.5 miles. I thought I was prepared until I woke up this morning with the worse stomach ache!! It was bad. I went downstairs to try to eat a banana, in hopes this would settle my stomach. After almost throwing it up, I went to lay down. Can I do this today? After about 30 minutes, I still felt like crap, but I was up and getting kids ready to go and myself ready to run. Yes, I was going to do it! 1- 16oz bottle of water~ down 1- banana with a little peanut butter~ eaten 1-16oz bottle of D fine 8~down ipod charged/ headphone~ready to go Garmin watch~charged water pack~cleaned and filled with water Protein bar~packed Shine/calf sleeves~on LETS RUN! At 9:15 we were off and well it didn't feel great but it didn't feel to bad. The weather was nice, cool at 65 degrees and the side we ran was very shaded. 3.3 miles and we saw the gas station, I have never been so happy to see a gas station! I ran in quick and grabbed a Gatorade for us to share. We drank it an...

It's POURING!!!!

Have you ever heard the saying, when it rains, it pours? Guess what?!? It's pouring over here! My day started with a door shutting at 4:20am, I jumped up thinking Wyatt had made his way to our room and quickly realized that it was just Todd shutting the door to the bathroom. I glanced at the monitor, McKinley was asleep and Wyatt was moving around, he was actually turned around in his crib, and at the other end. I knew this wasn't going to be good, I even asked Todd if he thought that I should go turn him around. We decided that wasn't such a good idea. At 5:00am little man was crying out saying, "wrong way, wrong way!" I went in there in hopes of stopping him before he got to our room. I told him that it wasn't light outside, turned him around and said goodnight. Walked back to my bed, looked at the monitor and M is awake. So I just lay in bed watching the monitor scan from one room to another hoping that they will both go to sleep. AT 5:15 M starts crying so...

Training Days #31/#32

Sunday afternoon we headed to the greenway for a little 5 mile run! The first 3 were tough, after that I felt like I could just keep running and not stop, even if I was slow. My shines are still killing me and it makes me want to take it slow. Mom and I ran at a steady pace and somehow we made it another five miles. The time is a little off because we did stop to get water and ended up chatting a little to much! TIME: 1 hour and 13 minutes DISTANCE: 5.02 miles Tuesday our trainer made us run hills!!!! ROUGH!!!! This two miles did not help my shines. It was a tough two miles but I actually ended up pushing myself and running the last half without doing my normal 3/1's. TIME: 28 minutes DISTANCE: 2 miles calories burned: 314 average heart rate: 164 We are now resting up for our 12.5 mile run Friday morning... it's gonna be tough!

Another bad day at school

I pull up and see Wyatt's class waiting patiently to go onto the playground. I decided to wait and watch Wyatt for a minute to see what he does. Well when they opened the gate, he slowly walks to the picnic table and climbs up to sit down. He keeps his head low and looks very sad. I knew he was in timeout! So I sat in the car for a minute until he looked over and noticed me. I walked up and his teacher started coming toward me with a white sheet of paper! CRAP! Honestly, riding down the road today I just had this feeling that Wyatt was going to be in trouble today. He woke up at 6, an hour earlier than he normally does and whenever he wakes up early, he gets into trouble! Turns out he hit Sarah Beth near the eye with a toy. I honestly wanted to cry and had he started crying I probably would have burst into tears. I held it in all the way to the car and even held it in while I let Todd know what happened, then I let it go. Yes, I cried half way home. My eyes were red when I got Wyat...

Garmin Forerunner 110

If you read my last post you are probably wondering how I know what my average heart rate was and how many calories burned, let me introduce you to.....The Garmin Forerunner 110!! I need to thank my Aunt JenJen because she is the one that really got me interested in it. She bought one and just told me how much she loved it. I need to thank my wonderful mother-in-law for the very sweet gift...the watch!!!! I LOVE it! I mean love it! WHY? *GPS: outside it will tell me how far I've gone, this is great! *Heart Rate: when wearing the band, it will tell me what my hear rate is. *Calories: When wearing the hear rate monitor it will tell me the number of calories I burned in that activity, I can use this inside or outside. When I am not wearing the monitor it will give me an estimate based on weight and age. Since I am trying to loose weight, this is a great tool. I used it for spinning the other day and in a 39 minute class I burned 279 calories! *Pace: It will tell me what our pace is. D...

Training Day #29/#30

We are getting closer!! I am getting excited and nervous! My shine is still hurting me but pressing on. Tuesday: We ran our 2 miles in my neighborhood, a nice hilly run! It was hot and not easy! TIME: 26 minutes 59 sec DISTANCE: 2 MILES AVERAGE HEART RATE: 149 CALORIES BURNED: 299 Thursday: Tonight was a little easier for me. I felt great the first mile! I even kept up with my aunt and Liz for a change. Normally I am behind them. It was a nice evening and it really felt great. The last half was a little hard. My shine started to hurt but we made it! TIME: 27 minutes 37 sec DISTANCE: 2.01 miles estimate of CALORIES BURNED: 226

McKinley Eleven Months Old

One more month and she will be ONE!!! I thought it flew by with Wyatt but I was wrong, this year has gone by so very fast! She is changing very fast! *SLEEPING: Still a great sleeper, not always a very long sleeper but I can't complain. She will pretty much put herself to sleep for naps and night time and she will sleep all night. She still likes a warm bottle before naps and bed and loves her bunny blankie. *SCHEDULE: 7am: wakeup and bottle/8:30am: breakfast/9:ish: 8oz bottle and am nap/11:30am: lunch/1:30ish: 8oz bottle and nap/6:00pm dinner/7:15pm: 8oz bottle and bed *EATING: she has always been a picky eater. She loves to eat pancakes and waffles just like her brother did. Some other things she will eat: pizza/yogurt/cinnamon type oatmeal babyfoods/green beans/oranges/puffs/graham crackers/ritz crackers/cheerios/bread/turkey She is not a huge fan of babyfood and will rarely eat it. *Loves the Wiggles- I find this funny because Wyatt loved them at this age too. She will turn her...

11 Month Stats

*20 lbs *Size 4 diapers during day/ Size 5 at night *Wearing Size 9-12 months and 12-18 also wearing some 18 month stuff- just really depends on what it is *Has 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom. Looks like she is cutting two more on the top

Baby Girl is not feeling well

Before.... (11:45am) After....(5:30pm) Yesterday was a long day. Well it felt like one long afternoon. M slept Alittle later normal, 7:40 instead of 7 and was fussy by 9. She didn't want to eat much, which is normal for her, so we went about our morning. She felt a little warm, which I assumed was from teething. I gave her a bath and put her down for a nap. We ate lunch at Panera with my mom and then went to target to get a birthday card. She played fine before nap but when she woke up she was very quiet. She normally talks or fusses on our way to pick up Wyatt (3:45) but today she almost feel asleep! She had just woken up! I get Wyatt in the car and M starts crying, I look over and she is throwing up! I run over to her side, get her out fast and try to get it out of carseat. Poor thing had to ride home with no shirt but she didn't seem to mind, she just feel asleep! Got them both out of the car and she throws up again. Just then Kristin pulls up because I normally go workout....

Training Day #28

11 miles!!!! 11 miles!!! I honestly can't believe that we made it 11 miles. It was tough but with God's help we made it! DISTANCE: 11 miles TIME: 2 hours and 48 minutes (This time included a stop at the gas station to buy a Gatorade to share and a quick stop to make a phone call to see where two people were, so my aunt thinks it was more like 2 hours and 20 minutes. Slow time also could be the fact that I am dealing with a shine splint!!!) The first mile was tough, miles 2-6 were great, in fact those miles felt easier than the 2 mile run we did Thursday. At mile 7 we turned back and it got tough! My body started to hurt and I felt like I wasn't going to make it. I knew we had no other choice but to run back. It would take way to long to walk back. Liz and I were cruising along when all of a sudden it hit me! I needed to use the bathroom and there wasn't one for 4 miles! Let me take it back for a minute- at lunch I ate some spicy food and as I am eating it I told Todd, ...

Weekly Weigh In

Have ya missed it?!?! I didn't do my weekly weigh in last Friday because Liz and I started our challenge on Monday and were going until Monday, and I didn't do it the week before because we were out of town and I honestly didn't have a scale with me. So here we are! Weight Monday March 12th: 160.6 lbs- up a little but I honest just enjoyed eating in Miami and that entire weekend:( Weight Monday March 19th: 157.6 lbs- Down, YES but not as much as I would have liked. I lost the challenge this week. Liz lost 4.2 and I lost 3. I had a little to much fun eating shrimp and grits at Sheehans and steak the next night at Frog Hollow. I think what really helped me get the 3 lbs though was not just the diet but the fact that I really pushed it working out this week. Monday: Weight training with Ivan/Spin class with Ivan Tuesday: 2 mile run Wednesday: Weight training with Ivan/Spin class with Ivan Thursday: 2 mile run Sunday: 11 mile run!!!!!!! All those things combined with diet helpe...

Sweet babies

A post in iPhone photos....

Training Day #28

TIME: 29 minutes DISTANCE: 2 miles Not a good one!!! My shines are killing me!

Not a good day for Wyatt

“We didn’t have a good day at all!” Those were the words that greeted me when Nancy and I walked into Grace to pick up Wyatt this afternoon. Then I see Wyatt come around the corner and out of his classroom and as soon as he sees me he bursts into tears. I wanted to cry. The class headed outside to play and we headed inside the classroom to talk to his teacher, Ms. Gloria, whom he is in love with. She said that he pushed someone on the playground and then hit a little boy with a fire truck!!!! Therefore, he didn’t get a toy out of the treasure box or a cookie! They had to write up an incident report! I didn’t even know what to say, I mean really what do you say in that situation. Ms. Gloria did say that as she was changing his diaper he said he was tired and wanted to go to sleep, which isn’t really like him. The only thing that I could say was that he did wake up an hour earlier this morning and did go to bed a little late. What else do you say?! After I got him home and finally put to...

Training Day #24/#25/#26/#27

Last Tuesday I had to run the treadmill because we were going to Elton John that day and it was going to be hard to fit in an afternoon run and get ready. Let me just say.... it was tough. After running 9.5, 2 felt harder! I guess my body was tired. Thursday I didn't run because we went to Miami for the night. I did get a run in on Friday though, another treadmill! This was not that hard. Saturday we headed back to the canal to run 5 miles.... KILLED ME! I was so very slow and I mean slow. It was tough for me. My legs and feet were hurting when we were done. Today we decided to run 2 miles in my neighborhood, I was slow but it wasn't as bad as the five miles we did on Saturday. The hills were tough though. Making it one day at a time!!!! Liz and I also started our diet challenge Monday. The loser has to buy starbucks! It's just for fun to help us get motivated. I won't share how much she weighs but on Monday I was 160.6. Not as low as I would like it but we are getting ...

Thank you Health Department

This is the one time that I wish I would have asked for a name! I would love to have the name of the women who told me that I needed to come down to the health department and let her give my child the 8 shots he needs to be "caught up". Let me explain.... Friday upon returning from our nice two day trip to Miami, I was greeted by a letter from the Columbia County health department that had been sent home with Wyatt on Thursday. It said that Wyatt's immunization form was incomplete and I had 30 days to get him aught up or he would be pulled from school. This came as a huge shock to me because I was very upfront with Wyatt's MDO and told them what we were doing. We are getting him caught up but we are spacing them out. Therefore every 6-8 weeks I take Wyatt to the doctor and he gets one or two shots. I'm not against them, I just wanted them spaced out and starting at age 2. This has never been a problem for us, until now! When we moved from Reid to Grace, I was sure...

Wyatt- March 2012

WOW! Wyatt has grown so much over the last 7 months. He continues to amaze me with what he learns everyday. Let me share a few things….. *Counting- he can count to about 17 and then he gets a little lost. We have school and Mrs. Celeste’s house to thank for this! *Singing- abc’s-not perfectly/Old McDonald/duck song/Butterfly(a Miley Cyrus song)/Fruit Salad- and just about every other Wiggle song/Jack and the Pirate song/those are just a few. He will burst into a song and I often wonder-“Where in the heck did you learn that one.” *Playing by himself- he is SO good keeping himself entertained. I am honestly wowed by this! He will go in the sunroom or his upstairs playroom and play very contently and quietly for very long periods of time. This is helpful when I need to tend to McKinley or throw a load of clothes in the washer or unload the dishwasher or even just pack his lunch. I love to sneak up on him and listen to him talking to his little action figures or making the car sounds. It’s...

Sorry it's been about ME

I know that I have spent the last two months talking A LOT about my weekly weigh ins and my training and I’m sorry! I have just been really focused on it. A fellow blogger and mom of two declared this “the year about me”. I know what your thinking, how selfish is that but is it? She has a three year old and brand new baby and has spent the last 4 years pregnant or caring for very young children. She wanted to get back in shape, take the extra five minutes to dry her hair instead of just pull in a pony tail, get dressed instead of hanging in sweat pants and begin to make her health a priority. I get where she is coming from. After Wyatt was born I worked really hard to loose the weight, not as hard as I am now, but still I tried! As soon as I made progress, PREGNANT! Yes, this is what we wanted. I loved every minute of being pregnant and gaining the weight. However, now that I don’t see a new baby in our furture, I want my body back! Not only do I want it back, I want to get in better s...


I have SO much to blog about! Wyatt moving to a new bed, a crazy fun trip to Atlanta, and what M is up to. I am to tired tonight so I promise I will do it tomorrow!

Training Day #23

I am SORE!!! My core hurts and my legs ache but I made it! I made it! I made it! When I glanced at the weather forecast for today, I was not happy. It was going to be cold and windy. Not my favorite conditions for a long run. My Aunt and I both didn't think we were going to make it the whole 9.5 but we wanted to do what we could. After the first 2, I said, "Let's just do it!". I drank my energy drink before the run and it must have kicked in for both of us. It actually didn't feel to bad. I felt slow compared to my Aunt but I kept going. We ran the length of a song, so a little over 3 minutes and then would walk a minute. ***side note on that bc I get asked all the time- we are doing the galloway method. Which means that we will ALWAYS run for 3 or 4 minutes and then walk for 1 minute. It is a PROVEN method of training and can actually help improve your time.*** Okay, so the running went well. I prayed that the wind would calm down and that God would give me the e...

Training Day #22

2 more miles outside!! I was Alittle slow, I think it was because I was sore from our crazy spin class the morning before. It felt good though. We ran the same place we did our first 2 miles at. I remember feeling like that 2 miles was going to kill me but now it's easy for me! Love it!! DISTANCE: 2 mile run/1 mile walk TIME: 2 miles in 24 minutes!! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Weekly Weigh In

What it took this week... Saturday: 5 mile run Monday: 1 mile walk with And core with Jen. Tuesday: 2 mile run Wednesday: CRAZY hard spin class with Ivan and core with Jen. Thursday: 2 mile run and 1 mile walk This was a rough week! We celebrated Todds birthday 4 times!!! Steak, Mexican, roosters beak, cake, cookie cake and brownie dessert! It was not easy!! I also started V3 this week. It has really helped decrease my appetite, increases energy and my mood!!! I'm lovin it! Weight today Friday the 2nd: 158.6 Total loss this week: 2.6 - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone