Visit to Connor's

Two weeks ago we decided it was time to visit our friends in LaGrange, GA. It was all lined up... breakfast, swim lesson, quick nap, load up in airplane and fly to see them. 40 minutes as opposed to 3 hours. At the very last minute, we were unable to fly and our plans changed. The car was loaded up and we started our very long 3 hour ride. The first hour was great. McKinley slept, Wyatt watched his movie and the entire car was nice and quiet. Then came trouble, the next two hours were spent playing beat the clock (trying to beat traffic in ATL), two feeding stops, headphone assistance, crying, paci assistance, snacks, food throwing, sit kicking, toy throwing, and then there was the screaming! Oh the screaming! When we finally got there we were both ready to pull our hair out, McKinley desperately wanted to eat and Wyatt, well we don't really know what he wanted. He was just happy to get out of the car and play.
That night we had a wonderful dinner after getting 4 out of 5 kids to sleep and then stayed up way past bedtime catching up with old friends, I sure do miss them!!! The next day was filled with exploring the cute town and eating one of the best hamburgers I have ever had! It was finished with a babysitter for 4 out of 5 and a nice Italian dinner out! We couldn't have asked for a better weekend. It was worth the drive! It is nice to visit with friends who have children and understand the daily craziness. I sure do miss having them in the same town. It was a great visit and we can't wait to go back. Thank you Connor family for making us welcome!
The ride home was filled with the following....
two bottles
toy throwing
sit kicking
movie watching
screaming *** lots of screaming! finally we let him scream for 45 minutes without saying a word to him, he stopped!
drink handing
name calling*** for that 45 minutes, he alternated between calling for mommy and daddy, oh and blanket, sock, shoe & lambie
a speeding ticket
lunch at where Fried Green Tomatoes was filmed
and a visit to after care clinic!
BUT WE WOULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN... maybe go a little slower!
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