Wyatt's 23 months

It’s hard for me to think that in one month I will have a two year old. Where does the time go? I feel like over the last couple weeks Wyatt has really changed!

Sleep: 7:45 pm until 6:00/6:30am. Nap 12-3 or 1-3/4. He will take great naps! Normally they last anywhere from 2-3.5 hours. I love it!!
Vocabulary: It has really taken off. He is saying more and more two and three word sentences….
“I see baby?”
“I get you.”
“water, swim”
“help mommy”

He is into everything and ALL boy! His new interest, is jumping! He will jump off just about anything. It scares the living day lights out of Todd and I! I love watching him grow. He really is getting so big! He has also learned to swim! Well, he is starting to learn how to swim. He took 8 lessons and can now jump in and swim a pretty long distance underwater! He loves the water.


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