McKinley Three Months

Our sweet baby girl is three months old....

*Sleep: We have a great sleeper (except when it comes to naps- it’s a hit or miss)- She will go to sleep around 7:30/8 and sleep 10 or more hours. Then wake to eat and go back to sleep until 8 or so. Naps are a different story. She pretty much just sleeps when she is tired and there isn’t much of a schedule yet. We are trying but not worrying about it to much yet. You like to be held and rocked to sleep and at night you will go down right after your bottle.
*FINALLY will take a pacifier 90% of the time. Before now it was pretty much 50/50 on if she would take it. Now she loves it.
*Nurses about every 2 hours but can go longer if she is sleeping or we give her a pacifier.
Typical day:
8:00am: up for the day. Wyatt comes in and helps me wake her up. Get her dressed and nurse her
9:00am: nap
10:30am: up from nap and nurse
11:30/12:00: nap- if she is in her car seat- this is normally a 3-hour nap.
3:00pm: nurse
4:30/6pm: nurse and then nap- at home or if we are going to eat she will nap in car seat.
7:00pm: bath/pjs
7:30pm: nurse/bottle and bedtime
5:30/6:30am: wake up to nurse (unless you give me 12 hours! Then you will make it to 7:30 or so)
*She is smiley all the time and is cooing a lot more. She is very interested in her big brother and the things around her. She has stared to put her hands together and can lift her head and look around. Hasn’t rolled more than once but I honestly don’t give her enough tummy time. I need to do that more!
*She has come to love her swing more and more. She loves it at night, a couple days ago she spent an hour in there.
*Car rides don’t make her as mad. She will normally just fall asleep or sit. She may fuss a little at first but then she is quiet, unless she needs to eat. Then she gets MAD!
She really is growing up fast!!! I just love


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