A Day in Life

It has been almost three months since we have welcomed McKinley into our family and I have to admit we still don’t have it all figured out! Our day looks a little like this…

6:00am: Wyatt is standing at the end of his crib calling for us to come and get him. If we are lucky, he is sitting playing until
6:20 or so.

6:15am: Daddy puts Wyatt into bed with us and we watch Special Agent Oso or Little Einstein’s while mommy and daddy try to wake up.

6:30-7:15am: Mommy and daddy try to get ready while Wyatt watches a little TV on the bed, goes through ‘his drawer’ in the bathroom, goes through the laundry basket, drags out hangers, and just makes a HUGE mess in the bedroom. On most days by 7 he is hanging on my legs, begging me to come sit with him. I am lucky if I come out looking half way decent.

7:30am: breakfast for Wyatt. Very picky these days so you never know if he is going to eat or not.

7:45/8am: McKinley is up and ready to EAT! The past three days she has made it 12 hours at night so when she does wake she is HUNGRY!

8:00am: nurse while Wyatt plays in the playroom.

8:30am: Get Wyatt dressed/diaper change for both babies/load up McKinley/Load up Wyatt/Find my shoes, diaper bags, and anything else we need.

9:00am: pulling out of driveway for our daily adventure/drop off. Some days we take Wyatt to MDO, some days he will play at Vivienne’s, some days we do to the play area at the mall, some days it’s the park and some days it errands and lunch with daddy and some days we go to the lake!

1:00/1:30: back home and nap time for Wyatt.

2:00: nursing McKinley then hopefully she will nap too! On a great day she will nap for 3 hours.

3:30: Wyatt is up and ready for snack. We play upstairs or go out to the baby pool

4:00/5:00: McKinley up and ready to eat again. I nurse her while Wyatt plays. We normally have one or two tantrums during this time! He will stand in front of me and cry while I feed McKinley! I’m so ready for daddy to walk through the door at this time of day!

5:30/5:45: Daddy comes home and we load up to go eat or we meet daddy somewhere.

6:00: eating dinner

7:00: head up for bed. If Todd is home he gives Wyatt a bath then puts him to bed and I take care of getting McKinley down.

7:30: Wyatt is asleep and McKinley is not to far behind.

By 8:00 the house is quiet and we finally have time for ourselves. I will finish the dishes and get bags ready for the next day, unless I’m REALLY tired. Then I just go to bed. I try to pump one more time at 9 then climb into bed and watch a little TV or blog and then I’m OUT by 10!

I LOVE the weekends! With two of us, we work as a team and it makes it so nice. We have fallen into a great weekend routine and I am starting to fall into a nice weekday routine. I don’t even mind getting up at 6! It’s early, but I think Wyatt has figured out that this is his one on one time with me and to be honest, I do love that time with him. I have come to realize that if I need to look half way decent that day, I have to take a shower and get ready at 5:30 before he gets up because when he gets up he likes my full on attention.

Wyatt loves his sister, but I can tell tat he is starting to have a little issue with the fact that he does not get all the attention he once did. I can’t just drop everything and help him anymore, he has to learn to be patient, and after all he is only 22 months old! That’s a tall order for a child under 2! I am learning everyday and I know that with time it will get easier and more routine for us.


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