22 months

Yup our baby boy is 22 months! WOW! He is so close to being TWO! There are some really cute/sweet things that Wyatt is doing right now and some things that aren't so cute.

-I have a new name: "mommy!" he says it in the cutest way and it just melts my heart. It is the sweetest thing that I have ever heard. I really love it when he crawls in bed and gets really close to me and says, "mommy, wake?" He tries to also open my eyes if I have them closed.

-SLEEP: still waking up super early (by my standards!) there are some days he wakes up at 5:20! I DO NOT like starting our days this early. We are working on this! Currently we are aiming for an earlier bedtime and a calmer routine with a snack right before bed.

-EATING: well, he has become a little bit of a picky eater. Tonight Todd sat with him for 30 minutes going back and forth trying to get him to eat. Todd finally gave up. He also doesn't enjoy milk as much as he used to. I am not sure what to do about this.

-He loves horses and trucks. In the car he loves to say, "big truck." but it sounds like "big duck" and after he sees one, he wants to see another one.

Not much has changed in one month. His vocabulary is growing daily and I love this because it makes it easier to figure out what he wants. The key to keeping the tantrums short.... is being able to figure out what he wants!


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