My favorite time of night

Call me crazy but I Love nursing McKinley in the middle of the night! She has had 12 hour nights, 10 hour nights and then she goes back to 7 hours stretches! Oddly enough, I'm okay with a 2:30 feeding. I love the sweet little smile that greets me when I lift her out of the crib, the way she nurses half asleep, the fact that it's her best nursing session all day, I love my quiet time with her, and I love watching her drift back asleep so effortlessly.
It's only a brief 20 minutes that we share, but it's our 20 minutes! Just the two of us! I wonder if she knows that? Maybe that's her favorite time too! I'm sure the day will cone when I want her to go back to sleeping 12 hours but for now I'm soaking up every last minute!


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