Similac and counting

Yes, I discovered two wonderful things the other day, similac and counting. I’m not even sure where one of them came from!

Let me start with the counting. I always count the stairs as we walk down them, well the other morning he was counting before I even said anything! He got to 4! I was amazed! Then later that day I would say, “one” and he would say, “two” and so on! I know that this is not something I taught him so I wondered where in the world he got this from. It could not have just been from me counting the stairs. Then it came to me, Vivienne! The lady he stays with one, sometimes two days a week, works on letters and numbers with him even songs! I was very impressed!

Now that brings me to my next wonderful find, similac. I am reading this book, The Sleep Lady’s Good Night, Sleep Tight by Kim West and in the chapter on newborn to five months it talks about different things to do to calm them and to get them to sleep better and through the night. Let me just go ahead and say that she does not promote sleeping through the night or trying her method really until 5 months or later, but she talks about how to get them to have good sleep habits at this young age. In this chapter I am reading she talks about feeding and nursing and mentions that you should introduce one bottle a day even if you are dedicated to nursing. That bottle can be expressed milk or formula but one bottle! I didn’t understand why until I kept reading but now it makes good sense to me. What if you have to be away from your baby, something happens or you run out and get stuck in traffic, they should be able to take a bottle. She uses formula once a day because she wanted to also make sure that the baby would do fine taking formula. I introduced a bottle to McKinley within the first two weeks of life, for a couple of reason; 1. I had to go back to school right away 2. We like to be able to have a night away and I wanted to make sure she would take it. Now the formula I was hesitant on, especially when my husband came back and said, “The pharmacist told me to tell you that she wouldn’t rush to switching to formula. She would mix half and half if you really want to do it but she is a big fan of breastfeeding!” Well good for her!!! I was made to feel guilty about this with Wyatt and it will not happen again. I am dedicated to nursing her; my goal for now is 3 months. However, when she is screaming and trying to nurse but pulling away and we go through this routine for about 3 hours. I’m willing to give it a shot. So, we gave her an once of formula and she went right to sleep. She then slept for 8 hours! She has slept 5, 6 and 7 stretches but 8!! I am not sure it was the formula, however it made for a good night.


  1. Hampton has recently started saying numbers as well, and I was surprised by it, too!! Yay for Vivienne!

    And I couldn't agree more with you about the feelings about the pharmacist's comments. Whenever he got a bottle, I always gave H a mixture of formula and breastmilk to make my supply last longer! 8 hours--woohoo!!! :)


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