21 months (Alittle late)


-SLEEP: 7:30pm until 6am (we would love for this to change- maybe until 7!) Nap from 1 until 3- Goes down easy for bed but these days he hates having to take a nap, but he really needs it and almost always sleeps for 2 hours, sometime longer.

-EATING: he is currently loving cereal bars! He could eat an entire box of them for breakfast if I let him. He has become a little bit of a picky eater... he will still try almost anything but lets just say he knows what he wants and what he doesn't want!
"Would you like grapes?" he answers so sweetly... "No." with a big head shake as he continues to look for what he wants in the fridge. Very cute but also hard to please sometimes.

-VOCABULARY: oh the things that will come out of his mouth! I wish that I could get them on camera but every time I try, he stops! He has started to put together two or more words and I just love it! Here are just a few.....
"More big truck" (sounds like duck though!)
"Hi momma!" (sounds like hi there momma)
"More Buzz."
"baby Buzz, big buzz." (the kid loves buzz!)
snake (sounds like make)
"sit,sit, sit!" he wants everyone to sit and watch him play or to play with him

Really he will make an attempt to say most anything, so you have to be really careful what is said because little ears are always listening.

He loves to swim! We just got back from his Nana's house and he had a blast going in the pool and out on the boat. He has no fear of the water and even loves to get his face wet. Still loves to watch his favorite movie, Toy Story (any of them) and also likes Nemo, Mega Mind and Curious George. He really loves to look out the car window and find trucks, any kind of truck! He also likes snacks, frogs, birds, any kind of bugs. He is all boy, yet loves to play in his kitchen.

We just love our little man. He is really growing fast. A true blessing.


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