I need advice! Wyatt has always been a great sleeper, taking good naps, going to bed without a fight and he used to sleep in until 7/7:30. Notice, I said, he used to! This morning at 5:30 I woke up to a baby stirring around getting ready to eat and Wyatt crying. I thought I would go in and try to put him back to sleep, that backfired! I ended up with a screaming child! I finally just had to lay him back down to go feed McKinley. He screamed for 20 minutes until I finally went back in to change his diaper and try again to get him to understand that it was not time to wake up. He screamed some more, I took a shower! When I got out, Todd had put him in our bed and he was still crying.
I have no idea what to do! We have moved bedtime up, tried late bedtime, and nothing has worked. 5:30 is way to early! Any advice! Please, please!!!!


  1. Wilson did the exact same thing this morning, but it was about 4:30. Scott and I are both really sick, so it made it really hard. Hopefully, it will get better.


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