BIG TIP to keep kids from waking up early

I am happy to report that we are moving in the right direction! Thursday Todd came home with a GREAT idea... giving Wyatt a snack before bed. Someone told him that Wyatt might be waking up because he was hungry. So.... Friday night we left Wyatt in the hands of a wonderful wonderful babysitter and told her to please give him two cereal bars at around 7 before bed. Then that night I put a bag of cereal at the end of his bed along with a couple of small toys and a book. When Todd woke up at 7:50 the next morning, he was so WORRIED about Wyatt! We were both shocked that BOTH of our kids were still sleeping. I couldn't believe it. Saturday night we did the same thing, a cereal bar around 7 and then bed, we didn't get to sleep in until 7:50 but we did make it to 6:45 which is much better than 5:50! I'll take it! Its a step closer to 7 and that's all I am asking for.

So if your child wakes up to early, maybe they are hungry! Why didn't I think of that one? Tonight he is at Mimi and Papa's and I hope he sleeps in for them!


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