Team Barnes

I just need to start by saying....I'm tired! My day started at 5:00! I also had to wake up at 1:30 because of a screaming little Wyatt. McKinley slept from 8:30 until 5, THANK YOU! I could have crawled back into at 5:20 but figured it might make my morning easier if I get showered and ready before Wyatt wakes up at 6. That is for another post!

So this afternoon Todd and I were both TIRED and ready to crawl in to bed and get some much needed rest! I'm so glad that on nights like these, we can work as a team:

We pick up daddy at work and drive to Rooster's Beak- YUMMY!

6:00: Daddy grabs Wyatt and I get McKinley. While in the restaurant I order our drinks while Todd gets W set up. W mutters something, Todd glances at me, "Gummies." I translate. Todd hands him the pack and it buys us another 5 minutes to discuss our day. W mutters again, Todd glances, "Cereal bar." He opens it up and buys us another 10 or so minutes. We take turns keeping W filled with chips while enjoying our own dinners. M sleeps through almost the entire meal. After dinner, I grab W and Todd loads up M. We head to his office to get his car.

Todd lets me drive his car home 20 MINUTES OF PURE PEACE AND QUIET!!!

7:15- I get home first- I get W's bed ready and run bath water. I hear the car and go down to grab W while he gets M out and checks the mail. I put W in the bath and we switch. I nurse M while he give W a bath and then we switch. I dress W and read him one book and then we switch again. Todd puts W to bed, I feed M and get her to sleep. By 8:20 our house is quiet or so we think!

We both forget about unloading the dishes or folding laundry and start getting ready to bed when we hear a sweet little cry through the monitor. I ask Todd to go and rock her for a minute so I can at least get ready for bed. I love my husband because when I need a minute, he gives me 10! He got her back to sleep allowing me time to get ready for bed and do what I'm doing now! Thinking back at the night, its like we have it down to a science. Go team Barnes!!! Our goal is a quiet house!


  1. It's so great to have a such a wonderful husband and dad who is involved!! Y'all are doing a great job! We're going to have to figure out the "dance" so soon ourselves!


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