McKinley Two Months

Two months!! I can't believe it! It feels like time is flying by. I feel like just the other day we were bringing her home. Our sweet girl at 2 months.....

-SLEEP: most days like a champ! Up around 7:30/8. Then asleep around 9:15 and she will normally sleep the entire time we are out and about. Cat naps if we are at home. Then will take about a 3 hour nap at home in the nap nanny and then cat nap while we are at dinner. To bed and asleep around 8:30, on some nights, its as late as 10:30! Depends on how she is feeling. She wakes at 1 sometimes and around 4 sometimes. If she wakes at 1 we are up again at 5:30 or so but then she goes right back to sleep. If we are lucky and make it to 4, she goes back to sleep until 8 or so.

She will fuss for a couple of minutes in the car seat when I first put her in but if she is just feed she normally falls to sleep, in the afternoon its sometimes a different story. If we are at home, I will normally have to nurse her or give her a paci and rock her for a minute. In the middle of the night she does great! She will sleep about 5,6 sometimes 7 hours, eats and then i lay her down and she will go right back to sleep. I will watch her in the monitor and she will just put herself back to sleep.

-EATING: she nurses about every 2 hours, sometimes she can go 3 even 4 if she is sleeping during the day. At night she will go 6 or 7! I have started to give her a bottle at least once a day. She will take 4 oz depending on the time of day!

-She is smiling A LOT more these days and I love it! She will look around and watch her brother and just smile at him.

-She is not cooing as much as Wyatt did but I have to remember she just turned 2 months. I sometimes feel like she is so much older!

-She is wearing 0-3 month clothes, still seems very tiny to me but we won't know until her checkup next week.

- Still screams when put in car seat if she is not feeling well.

-Also NOT a very happy camper if she is awake for more than about an hour and a half.

-Will sleep in a sleep sack now, and doesn't have to be swaddled. She never liked her arms swaddled so this wasn't to much of a change.

Pictures to come tomorrow.


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