About last night

Last Night…

4 am his lights are on and standing in the crib. A quick diaper change, a reminder that its still night time, a couple rocks in the chair and he is back in the crib.

***I lay back down around 4:15 and can’t seem to shut my mind off. Should I get up? No! Maybe?***

4:40 am his lights are on again. This time he is crying. Another quick diaper change, (only because he had a very dirty one), yet another reminder that its still dark and dark means sleep! I rock him and lay him down.

***4:50 am! I guess I should get up, I could go work out but what if he gets up again? It’s not fair to Todd. So I lie back down and shut my eyes. I think I drift off, I’m not really sure.***

5:10 am there are tears and cries for mommy! I go in and don’t get him out of the crib. I tell him to lie back down and go night night.

***5:15 am I have NO IDEA at this point if I went back to sleep.***

5:40 am his lights are on again and he is crying. Once again I go in and tell him to lie down, he wants me to rock him but I said, “we’ve already done that. It’s night time.”

*** 5:50 am I lay down and notice that McKinley is now starting to stir around! CRAP! I watched Wyatt on the monitor and he cried for a minute but then laid down and was quiet. I think I did go back to sleep.***

6:20 am he is up and crying. No lights are on because I turned them on low! I ignored him and Todd got up with him. (Sorry honey, I was just worn out!) Wyatt came to our bed and watched Princess and the Frog. I shut my eyes until…

6:30 I’m UP! Got dressed, ready for the day and then at 6:45 McKinley woke to eat! Needless to say, I’m very tired today!


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