The 2nd time around

I have learned A LOT the second time around. I wouldn't say that I was a nervous first time parent, only because I had been a nanny for two children before having my own but I don't think I was as confident about things as I am this go round. Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not a perfect mom or a mother who knows just what to do in all situations, but I feel like I am more relaxed. People always say there is a big difference and I wouldn't say it's huge but it's defiantly noticeable. I am loving this baby stage! I think the first go round I thought that I couldn't do anything unless my child was sleeping, WRONG! I now know that it's during the toddler stage that you can't do anything unless they are sleeping. During the infant stage showering in peace and unloading the dishwasher can, 9 times out of 10 be done while your child is awake! They are content in a bouncy seat, swing, floor mat, nap nanny or pack n play. They can't roll, crawl or walk anywhere. They can't scream at you or hit you because they are so frustrated they can't see straight. They aren't tornadoes destroying the entire downstairs while you do something as simple as put dishes away or fold the laundry. Had I known all of this the first go round, I think I would have gotten alot more done!

I'm not saying that having an infant is a walk in the park, because it's not. It's demanding! I think the first 8 weeks are the hardest and once you get past those and routines start to fall in place and sleep starts to take place again, life gets a little easier. I also think this time I realize how fast they grow. I know that in the blink of an eye her first birthday will be here and I try to soak up every last minute of this sweet infant stage. I am taking as many photos and videos and I possibly can because I want to remember these moments.


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