McKinley Four Months

Sweet baby girl is 4 months!! WOW!! I honestly can't believe it!

*Sleep: We have an all nighter!!! Yes, that's right she is sleeping 11-12 hours! Every. Single. Night!!! She will go down between 7-7:30 and sleep until 7/7:30 sometimes 8 the next morning. Her naps are also starting to fall into a routine, sleep from 9-9:30, sleep from 11-12:00 then again at 1:30/2-4 sometimes longer and then she will sometimes take a late afternoon cat nap. She pretty much takes three-four naps a day. Sometimes she gives me a really long, 3 hour afternoon nap and somedays its a bunch of 30 minute naps.

*More and more in love with her pacifier!
*Nurses first thing in the morning and then its a 6oz bottle every three hours. She will drink about 4oz midmorning and early afternoon and then 6oz at 4 and before bed.
*She has become A LOT more vocal! Talking and happy screams all the time! Not as often as Wyatt did, I am thinking she is going to be more reserved.
*She is VERY content unless tired or hungry and even then you can almost always calm her down with a pacifier.
*SHe loves her swing, floor mat, nap nanny, bouncy seat and we just tried the door jumper!
*She has started singing herself to sleep. It is the SWEETEST thing!


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