Potty Training Day #1

Yes, we are starting potty training! Last night I got our house prepared....

-waterproof blanket to cover couches
-LOTS of underwear
-prizes for when he goes
-potty chart
-LOTS of stickers
-potty game with fun activities
-juice boxes
-potty movie with potty song
-two potties

We were ready! He woke up and instead of putting a diaper on, we started with big boy buzz underwear. I showed him the chart, the prizes, the game, the potty and we watched the movie. He sat on the potty a couple times then I noticed he was wet! ACCIDENT #1. New pair of underwear! Sat on potty, played, sat on potty, played, sat on potty, ACCIDENT #2! New pair of underwear! Must not have been finished... needed a new pair of underwear. I then noticed that to get him to sit on the potty and stay long enough for something to happen I had to bribe him with m&ms. Please keep in mind that I also pushed grape juice boxes on him like they were going out of style! So he would sit on the potty and I would hand him one m&m at a time. He finally WENT on the potty!!!! I was so impressed! In addition to the candy, since he went he also got a prize, a little smurf! About 30 minutes later he said, "peepee!" and ran to me. I threw him on the potty and he went AGAIN! I was so very excited!

After lunch it took a turn for the worst. He didn't want to sit on the potty, started getting tired and didn't feel good. So he went down for a nap and woke up sick. He is now wearing a diaper at the ER with Todd, Mimi and Papa! So I have no idea how our potty training is going to go tomorrow!


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