Praying specifically

Wyatts mood has been a challenge pretty much the last three months, since the baby came. He wakes up at 5:45/6 and is tired, clingy, whiny, just unhappy. Some days are better than others but they have tested our patients!

Last week while at my parents he woke up as early as 4:45!! Well Sunday at church we talked about prayer. One of the things he talked about was praying specifically. Having faith in God. Sunday night Todd left to go out of town and I was on my own for the morning and I knew I needed Wyatt to sleep in past 6! So I began to pray! I asked God for a specific thing, a specific time! When M woke up at 6:15 to eat, Wyatt was still fast asleep. When I was able to jump in the shower and get ready in peace at 6:40, Wyatt was still asleep! At 7 he was awake but happy in his crib, this is a change. He normally starts screaming!! I was so nice to get ready in peace! At 7:15 I got him up and he was in such a great mood all morning!!

This morning I woke at 6:45 to both of them asleep. I quickly got ready and even got M up before Wyatt was even half way ready to get up. I went to get him at 7:15 and he was happy as he could be!

I also want to say to all you singles out there and even young people, start now praying specifically for your future husband or wife because God will answer those prayers!! This has been on my mind since Sunday, praying for a very sweet friend of mine!!
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