Adult conversation and getting it figured out!

After having a baby people offer to prepare dinner for you or bring you a favorite take-out meal. We didn't have a lot of people offer this when Wyatt was born, I think people knew that we were the type to just go out no matter what and we didn't stay in the house long. With McKinley it was a different story. We had several friends bring us dinner and it was so nice to not have to worry about cooking.

About a month ago a friend of mine added a new addition to her family and today, one month late, I got to meet him! It was so nice to have lunch and some adult conversation with a friend. As soon as I walked into her house, it hit me! I instantly remembered my life looking just like hers a mere 3 months ago (except she looks A LOT better than I did)!! I remember Wyatt running around my house, acting like a little tornado and me not being able to keep up, bouncing McKinley while trying to feed Wyatt and eat lunch myself. I will admit that it was most our mornings that looked like this, Wyatt spent a lot of time with my parents, at MDO or with Vivienne. We had crazy mornings and even crazier afternoons! My friend asked me if there was any advice on having two and when I got the hang of things. She thought that by now she would have gotten into the swing of things. I was very honest.....

"You will figure it out, I promise!"

That's all the advice I had! Before I had McKinley, this same piece of advice was given to me when I asked the same question! The truth of the matter is, you do really just FIGURE IT OUT! One day something just clicks, schedules and routines began to fall in place. The newest member of the family has learned to go a little longer in between feedings, has learned that they don't have to be held 24/7 and the toddler has come to the realization that no matter how many fits they throw the baby is here to stay! You learn to manage feeding both at the same time, even if that means you don't get to eat right then. Diaper changes become quicker, temper tantrums get shorter and sleep re-enters the picture! You learn what works for you.

Not everyday is a walk in the park. Not everyday is easy. Come 5 o'clock on most days, I am ready to pull my hair out and toss them over to daddy! I wouldn't change it for the world though! I have learned what works for me. I have it figured out (as much as anyone can!)!

***and to my friend probably bouncing her newborn right now- I think you are doing an amazing job! I hope to see you again VERY SOON! ***


  1. Thanks, again! It's nice to have someone who has so recently been here tell you that it's all going to be fine!! Our new normal gets easier by the day. Not easy, but easier ;)


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