Remembering a moment

Have you ever wanted to remember a moment so bad, that when you feel like it's starting to slip away you stop for a minute, close your eyes, and try to replay it again and again?

I did this with our wedding! Months of planning for one short day, that seems to fly by! A special day that you will never have again. It's kinda sad! I remember it but not as clearly as I'd like.

Or the birth of our son Wyatt. I remember that moment of Todd holding him all wrapped up and then later the first time I held him but man do I wish I had that on video!!!

I remember more clearly hearing McKinleys first cry and seeing her right after she came out. Looking at her for the very first time! Again, I wish this moment was on video. More than anything I wish these moments would stay more clear in my mind. I'm kinda sad that again, the birth is over, the 10 months of waiting is over, the first couple minutes/days/nights are gone and time is not slowing down!

I look at Wyatt and then McKinley and I remember him like this and I get sad thinking that soon she will be as big as he is. I just want to remember ALL these moments!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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