
Right now I'm nursing McKinley and doing anything on this iPhone I can to stay awake! I have been thinking about how different this nursing experience is compared to with Wyatt and thanking God everyday for an answered prayer!

She nurses 10x better than Wyatt!!! She latches on needing very little help if any and will nurse at the most 10 minutes on each side ( I know this might change) and then she's good! Wyatt needed to use a shield then it would take almost 30 on each side and he would still act hungry! So we did bottles/breast with him until 3 months then he was all bottle. I'm not sure how long she will nurse, I am hoping she continues to do well with it!!

I'm even getting better at nursing in public... At zaxbys and the park! I couldn't do that last time!


  1. So glad it's going so well for you! That stuff is liquid gold :)


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